Maxine Underwood

What does Maxine Underwood like about working with children?

“My passion for working with children stems from the joy of watching them learn and develop new skills, and seeing the excitement and wonder in their eyes when they grasp a new concept or make a significant breakthrough.”

Shar Tukaokao

What does Shar Tukaokao like about working with children?

“I love making a difference in the lives of the children. You get to see children’s development and learning firsthand as the children grow and flourish whilst in your care. What a privaledge it is to play a role in your child’s life during those vital first five years.”

Kylie Boshammer

What does Kylie Boshammer like about working with children?

“Children offer such a great and exciting outlook on life. I enjoy watching them learn new things and the excitement that they bring to the day.”

Rebecca Warren

What does Rebecca Warren like about working with children?

“I love being a part of each child’s learning journey, guiding and supporting them to reach their milestones, watching them light up with joy when they achieve their goals.”

Alyssa Howie

What does Alyssa Howie like about working with children?

“I love to watch the grow and develop and learn new skills. Love seeing the children come into the service happy and excited to see what adventures and fun they are going to be having that day.”

Kim Gawne

What does Kim Gawne like about working with children?

“Everyone always talks about the saying “It takes a village to raise a child”.  And that’s just it, my passion is being there for families.  I love making a difference and providing support and encouragement for all of our families as they raise their children and navigate their new lives.

Watching the children grow, flourish, and discover the world around them fills my cup up just as much as it fills theirs.  The funny little things they say, their emerging personalities and their zest for life is admirable.

I love having the opportunity to provide children with a safe, loving and stimulating environment in which they can learn whom they are and discover the wonders of the world.”


What does Taihla like about working with children?

“I love the early years industry and being able to shape our future leaders.”

Georgia Coutts

What does Georgia Coutts like about working with children?

“My favourite part about my job is that no matter how hard of a morning/day you have had – walking into excited cheers, big smiles and cuddles turns your whole day around instantly.”

Sheree Foster

What does Sheree Foster like about working with children?

“I love being a positive influence in the children’s lives that I work with. Being with children and watching them to reach their full potential is an absolute privilege and I love seeing the absolute joy that these little people see in everyday life. I am extremely passionate about providing opportunities for children to be ‘well’, encouraging and helping to establish healthy habits for life in all areas of their being. Watching children interact and explore relationships, building on their self esteem and sense of being is such a wonderful thing to witness.”

Rebecca Seage

What does Rebecca Seage like about working with children?

“I enjoy building relationships with all families and children, creating a happy and welcoming atmosphere.”